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BLOGGER Sudhir Katti....  https://youtube.com/@sudhirkatti3438?si=7fQo-Cn3kGN5xvPc

SHRI HANUMAT STOTRAM  श्री हनुमत स्तोत्रं वे शा सं ऋग्वेद संहिता भाष्याचार्य श्री सीतारामाचार्य द्वैपायनाचार्य कट्टी उमरजकर विरचित 

Appeal to Readers,

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||श्रीमद् गोविंदराज देवताभ्यो नमः || 
ॐ यो अश्वत्थ रूपेण नदी तटाके | विराजते सर्व जगान्निवासः || ब्रह्मादि देवाच्युत पाद पल्लवो | गोविन्दराजो वतुमां परेशः ||
अभयं गदिनंच शंखचक्रं चापंतुणिरं द्रष्टमयंतदैव| तेनैवरूपेण चतुर्भुजेन | प्रलयांतको भवविश्व मूर्ते  ||
शङ्खः चक्र गदांबुज चापबाणै  राराजितै चंद्रल लक्ष्मी समेत । शर्वादि देवाच्युत पादपल्लवो | गोविन्दराजो वतुमां परेशः || 
|| न गोविन्द समो देवो नचाश्वत्थ समो तरुः | न उत्तुन्गसमः पीठः नच तस्य समो आद्यः || 
ॐ श्रीगोविन्दपुर वराधीशाय विध्महे | महाश्वत्थरूपाय धीमहि | तन्नो श्री लक्ष्मी गोविन्दराजः प्रचोदयात् || ग्रतः चतुरो वेदः|पृष्टतः सशरं धनुः|इदं  ब्राह्मं इदं क्षात्रं  शापादपि शरादपिः | श्रीमन् महर्षि अगस्त्य करार्चित श्री भगवति चन्द्रलांबा सहित गोविन्दराज देवता भ्योनमः ||  घटो जन्मस्थानं मृग परिजनो भूर्जवसनो | वने वासः  कंदाधिकवसन वेदं  विधगुण |अगस्त्यः पाथोदि यदकृत करां भोजकुहरे | क्रिया सिद्धिसत्वे वहति महतांनोपकरणे   || गोविन्द पुर पुण्यक्षेत्र सुक्षेत्र:| चंद्रांशुलक्ष्मी सुपात्र पवित्र:|| उत्तुंग पीठस्थ जगन्निवास: वृक्षद्वयस्थ प्रतिप: परेश : ||
ॐ अश्वत्थ निंबका विर्भव|श्री ब्रह्मादि देवान्तर्गत | श्री राम कृष्ण वेदव्यासांतर्गत |श्रीहनुमद भीम मध्वान्तर्गत|भारतीरमण मुख्य प्राणान्तर्गत |श्री लक्ष्मी गोविन्दराज देवता प्रीयन्तां | प्रीतो भवतु श्री कृष्णार्पणमस्तु | 


Katti's (Umarajkar) Vamsh vruksh i,e family tree was uploaded under HISTORY page of this site for mapping our ancestry on a family tree is a great way to help children understand their Heritage and gain knowledge about great grand parents and other family members they may never have had the chance to meet. For adults, it can be a chance to memorialize people who have passed away and create a beautiful representation of one's family history.

The special information of Sri Govindaraja Deva, which is now beind told, is mythological, historical, in fact true events and it is seen that no one has written it in a comprehensive form.  Continued through Sruti and Smritis.  It continues.  It should continue to grow in the future.

Because, we see clearly in the shlokas that Shri Lakshmi Govindaraja is the god who gives salvation.  Also the village deity of many towns, clan deity of households.   Visit the special places mentioned in this short book and feel the authenticity and sanctity.   Some of the literature written by our ancestors is in digest form.  They can be found in prose, slokas, hymns, ashtottaras and in the form of aartis. 

I wanted to write down the current subject  with the hope that the future members of our family will know it.  This should be explored further.  Those who have taste can try.
 The context for the lived experience of humans and their communities, where they share 'kinship' and social and ecological histories, and where they create and participate in shared knowledge, social and structural security, and development across the lifespan.
विश्व प्रार्थना मन्त्रंॐ यज्ञेन यज्ञमयजन्त देवास्तनि धर्माणि प्रथमान्यासन्। ते ह नाकं महिमान: सचंतयत्र पूर्वे साध्या: संति देवा:।।ॐ राजाधिराजाय प्रसह्य साहिने। नमो वयं वैश्रवणाय कुर्महे। समेकामान् काम कामाय मह्यं। कामेश्र्वरो वैश्रवणो ददातु |कुबेराज वैश्रवणाया । महाराजाय नम:   ॐ स्वस्ति, साम्राज्यं भौज्यं स्वाराज्यं वैराज्यं पारमेष्ट्यं राज्यं महाराज्यमाधिपत्यमयं। समन्तपर्या यीस्यात् सार्वभौमः सार्वायुषःआन्तादापरार्धात्। पृथीव्यै समुद्रपर्यंताया एकरा‌ळ इति।।  ॐ तदप्येषः श्लोकोभिगीतो। मरुतः परिवेष्टारो मरुतस्यावसन् गृहे। आविक्षितस्य कामप्रेर्विश्वेदेवाः सभासद इति।।                ....यजुर्वेद तैत्तरीय अरण्यक 
Mantra pushpaanjali is very powerful and beautiful prayer  and should be chanted every morning  after taking bath 
Honorable PM. Shri Modiji ಭಾರತ ಸರ್ಕಾರ temple360.in ಎಂಬ ವೆಬ್‌ಸೈಟ್ ಆಯೋಜಿಸಿದೆ, ಅಲ್ಲಿ ನೀವು ಭಾರತದ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ದೇವಾಲಯಗಳನ್ನು ನೋಡಬಹುದು, ಆನ್‌ಲೈನ್ ಆರತಿ ಮತ್ತು ಸೇವೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಭಾಗವಹಿಸಬಹುದು.  ಮನೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಕುಳಿತು ತೀರ್ಥಯಾತ್ರೆಗೆ ಹೊರಟಂತೆ. 
Honourable PM Modiji Government of India has hosted a website called temple360.in where u can see all temples in India, participate online Aarthi and services. It's like going on a pilgrimage sitting at house
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SOU.SHRUTI. S. KATTI....  https://youtube.com/channel/UCk5lD1AAaqFh5F9ouXFSDNQ    

SOU.SEEMA. G. KATTI....  https://www.youtube.com/creativemommystuff



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